Mermaid mother necklace
Mermaid mother necklace
Pa-pa's mermaid mother necklace is made in solid silver. Silver pebbles and waves surround the two figures with the Worm's Head landscape in the background, the crescent moon and star above.
Mother-She teaches you how to believe in yourself. In her eyes she sees the lack of confidence self doubt and insecurities but she also knows your strength hidden talents skills and what makes you happy. Through her love and support she nurtures your growth and strives to help you develope your true potential. She is the one we can truly trust and seek advice from and share your innermost fears with for she has been through it all . With a warm hug she passes on the glow of affection from her heart . Her eyes sparkle as she brushes off the complexities of life with smile and instead looks forward to better times ahead. Her face shines with her positivitygrace and wisdom . She will always be there to guide you in this life and the next.